Thursday, September 19, 2013

New Chicks!

We are welcoming 39 new chicks to the farm today! Aren't they adorable?!

We ordered 40, but unfortunately - one did not make it.
There are 3 different kinds of birds here.
Ameraucana - Brown/Red - Lay blue eggs
Black Sex Link - Black
Leghorn - White
We took them out of the box they were sent to us in and placed them in a brooder box on our porch. This is where they will stay for the next few weeks. There is another side (not pictured) with a heat lamp to keep them warm.
We took them out one by one and dipped their beaks in the water so they would know where to get it!
Here they are all settled into their new home - and there's our little helper making sure everyone is comfortable :)
We'll be updating on their progress so keep an eye out and subscribe to our blog to stay up to date :)
This is an exciting time and we are learning so much. Thank you for continuing to be a part of this with us and encouraging us through it all!

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Greenhouse

This past weekend we began cleaning out the greenhouse. We basically gutted everything and started brand new. New seeds were planted.

Here are a few before photos:

This is what it looks like after weeding and pulling all of the pots out:
and here are our new seedlings:

We planted Kale, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cucumbers and Spinach!


Monday, August 5, 2013

Eggs For Sale

We've got farm fresh eggs for sale already! Our eggs are collected every afternoon. We can deliver them and/or meet any day we are in town. If you or anyone you know is interested please let us know. Please note that eggs will vary in color and size.

Prices are as follows:
1/2 dozen - $3.00
1 dozen - $4.00
18 count - $6.00

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Settling Into the Farm

Well, it's official. We have arrived at Freedom Harvest Farms. We're so excited to get to work and to see the fruits of our labor! Our family is so grateful for this opportunity. We must thank the owners - Paul and Vicki - for sharing their farm with us!

Veronica is absolutely loving it here. She comes out with me each morning to feed the chickens. She's constantly wanting to go outside and wander around the entire property. I think this is going to be an absolutely wonderful learning experience for her.

Isaac and I will be starting our seedlings this coming week in preparation for the fall harvest. We've got a list made, but what produce would you like to see this fall? We want to hear from you!

Here are just two (out of the MANY) perks of living at the farm!

                                                FARM FRESH EGGS - EVERYDAY